• Events
        • Feb 17

          NO SCHOOL - President's Day
        • Feb 20

          School Spelling Bee
        • Feb 26

          White Wednesday - Internet Safety
        • Feb 27

          Parent Teacher Conference as needed
        • Mar 3

          Dr. Seuss Day! Green eggs/ham, cupcakes
      • View full calendar

Board of Trustees

Also serving as the School Community Council.

Joshua Marsh

Board Chair



Preston Griffin

Board Vice Chair



Dave Robins

Board Secretary


Michelle Bennett

Board Treasurer



Carina Moss

Board Member


Amy Harrison

Board Member


Board Candidacy Application

Please provide a brief explanation of why you would like to serve on the Board and what skills you have to better the Board.

Audit Committee

Board Vice President 
Board Treasurer -
Board Member -

Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Board meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted on the school calendar.

January 9, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
February 12, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
February 29, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
April 8, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
May 20, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
June 17, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
August 19, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
September 16, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
October 14, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
November 18, 2024AgendaBudgetMinutes
January 6, 2025AgendaBudgetMinutes
February 10, 2025AgendaBudgetMinutes

Executive Board Policies

School Board Bylaws

View our School Board Bylaws.

School Board Governance 

A five to seven member governing School Board will govern The Ranches Academy Charter School. The Board members will be comprised of parent/grandparents/guardians of children enrolled in The Ranches Academy Charter School. In order to fill board vacancies, the Board of Trustees will solicit letters of application from the parent/guardian membership or respected persons of the community at large.  The Ranches Academy Charter School Director will also sit on the board as an ex officio member. The Board will adhere to the school’s charter, mission and philosophy as created by the Founding Families.

The voting School Board will consist of the President (CAO), Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer with one to three additional members. The position of CAO will always serve as Board President. No board member may hold more than one of these offices. The Board President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will serve as Officers, or the Executive Committee, of the Board. The director may not serve as a Board Officer. The number of members may be adjusted by the Board if needed, but shall never be less than five nor greater than seven. The Board shall delegate the day to day operations to the director and appropriate committees.

Terms & Elections

The following board positions will be appointed by the School Board from applications taken from the school families and surrounding community.

President & CAO – 2 year term
Vice-President – 2 year term
Treasurer – 2 year term
Secretary – 2 year term
Member (2 positions) – 2 year term
Member – 2 year term

All appointed positions will take place during October for open positions for the current school year. All positions will assume their duties starting in October.

Vacancies on the School Board will exist (1) on the death, resignation, or removal of any member, or (2) when term of a current Board Member is up and the Member elects not to renew his/her term. For mid-term vacancies, the Board may appoint a replacement member to complete the remainder of the term of the vacated seat.


The Executive Committee, comprising of the Board members described above, facilitates effective decision making by all Board members. This committee will play three critical roles: 

  • Plan and execute the agenda of Board meetings.

  • Make non-voting decisions on behalf of the Board.

  • Serve as a communication link with other members of the Board.

The Board will have shared authority for running the school with the following responsibilities:

  • Evaluate performance of the director.
  • Hire/dismiss The Ranches Academy Charter School director.
  • Promote the mission of The Ranches Academy Charter School.
  • Oversee the school fundraising.
  • Assure financial responsibility and accountability.
  • Approving budget and overseeing adherence.
  • Contracting for and approving independent audit.

The Board will meet a minimum of six times each year to:

  • Fulfill primary responsibilities.
  • Discuss logistics of school operations.
  • Consider and approve new or amended policies or procedures.
  • Hear board members reports or concerns.
  • Consider concerns and/or questions from parents, teachers, students and community through an advisory council.
  • Address any other school issues.

The School Board may not act unless two-thirds of the board members are present. A majority vote of the quorum will constitute action by the Board. A Board member may be dismissed by a majority vote if he/she fails to fulfill his/her responsibilities or is consistently absent from meetings.

Additional Board meetings will be called as needed. Meeting minutes will be taken at all Board meetings and will adhere to the policies and procedures as outlined by the USOE for public and closed meetings.

Members of the School Board will be expected to be familiar with the curriculum required by the State of Utah and the curriculum of The Ranches Academy Charter School. They should understand and familiarize themselves with the philosophies of the Core Knowledge Sequence, SRA and Saxon Math curriculums. Board members should read and be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order as the meetings will be conducted in that format. At all times, each Board member will promote and support the defining mission, philosophy and goals of The Ranches Academy Charter School by complying with the educational philosophy, discipline and other policies, and organizational structure of The Ranches Academy Charter School.

Any amendments or changes to the school’s original charter application or any amendments have to first be approved by a majority vote by the Board before being submitted to the Utah State Charter School Board and the USOE.

* All information on this page is subject to change as needed or directed by the Board.