• Events
        • Feb 17

          NO SCHOOL - President's Day
        • Feb 20

          School Spelling Bee
        • Feb 26

          White Wednesday - Internet Safety
        • Feb 27

          Parent Teacher Conference as needed
        • Mar 3

          Dr. Seuss Day! Green eggs/ham, cupcakes
      • View full calendar

Welcome to The Ranches Academy!

We are excited to have your student join us as a Ranches Redhawk! Please complete the Registration and Knowledge of Policies and Agreements ONLY after your child has been offered a spot and you have accepted.



Knowledge of Policies & Agreements

Register Your Student

(ONLY if you have been notified your child was pulled for the lottery)

Registration Checklist

If these items are not received by your assigned date, your child’s spot will be offered to the next child on the lottery list. 

  • Student’s Birth Certificate, Adoption Record, or Documentation from a Social Service Record. (questions about other option, please call)
  • Student’s Proof of Immunization or Exemption
    This is state law—must be signed by a physician or nurse; parent may not sign.
  • Student’s Medication Authorization Form (if applicable) 
  • Electronically Signed Knowledge of Policies & Agreements 
  • A copy of previous IEP for Special Education students (if applicable) 
  • Proof of residence such as a current (within 60 days of enrollment) utility bill 
  • A copy of the divorce or separation decree (if applicable) 
  • Vision Screening will be completed at the school if you have not obtained one from your child’s doctor (Kindergarten only)  

Notification & Response Deadlines

Parents will be notified via email and/or phone. 

The Ranches Academy will attempt to contact parents regarding their child’s admission a minimum of two times. If the parent cannot be contacted or is non-responsive within a designated time period, the available space may be offered to the next student on the lottery list. 

Response deadlines are calculated from the first attempted contact.

Registration Packet Deadlines

(See the registration check list above.)

  • If notified February 7–April 1, you have four weeks from the day you are notified to complete and turn in the registration packet. 
  • If notified April 2–June 30, you have two weeks from the day you are notified to complete and turn in the registration packet. 
  • If notified July 1–July 31, you have one week from the day you are notified to complete and turn in the registration packet. 
  • If notified August 1 to the end of the school year, you have two business days to complete and turn in the registration packet.

 For registration questions please, call the school at (801) 789-4000 or email office@theranchesacademy.com