• Events
        • Feb 17

          NO SCHOOL - President's Day
        • Feb 20

          School Spelling Bee
        • Feb 26

          White Wednesday - Internet Safety
        • Feb 27

          Parent Teacher Conference as needed
        • Mar 3

          Dr. Seuss Day! Green eggs/ham, cupcakes
      • View full calendar


Join Our Team

“Parent choice in education” for The Ranches Academy means providing parents and their student(s) high quality in education. Our staff creates this high quality in an inviting working atmosphere of positive communication, courtesy and respect. Their efforts fulfill the school’s mission, philosophy and goals on a daily basis. Their efforts are focused on helping students succeed. We seek other professionals who want to participate in all that The Ranches Academy strives to accomplish. 

Only positive attitudes, with a willingness to create and maintain an environment where students have the opportunity to reach their highest potential, need apply.

If you'd like to be considered for future positions send your resume to scolson@theranchesacademy.com

Equal Opportunity Employer

The Ranches Academy will not discriminate in program benefits, participation, employment, or treatment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin and gender.

At-Will Employees

The Ranches Academy will considers all staff “at-will” employees. The school director will select its personnel directly and in compliance with all Federal and State rules and regulations. The Board of Trustees may terminate the employment of any personnel so long as such employees are not terminated for unlawful reasons. 

The Board of Trustees and Director will be responsible for the hiring, supervision, and evaluation of the school’s teaching staff. All teaching staff will be evaluated on a yearly basis. The School Council will be responsible for evaluating the performance of the principal on an annual basis. The Director and the Board of Trustees will review all agreements periodically. 

The Board of Trustee or Director will perform background checks and/or drug testing on prospective or current employees. Volunteers, who in any form come in unsupervised contact with the student body, will also be required to submit to a background check.