• Events
        • May 6-10

          Staff Appreciation Week
        • May 20

          Awards Assembly 1-3
          Awards Assembly 4-6
        • May 22

          Kinder Graduation AM
          Kinder Graduation PM
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Joshua Marsh

Board Member

Joshua Marsh is a programmer by day and father of five by night. He loves technology but not as much as his wife and kids, you see. Joshua has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and has been a leader in his work at Optum, providing innovative healthcare solutions to all aspects of the healthcare industry. Joshua has held various leadership and educational positions in both his career and his church. At work, he currently teaches via mentoring and giving presentations, allowing him to have broad reach but also help at an individual level. At church, he loves teaching and has done so for various age groups. Recently, as his children have gotten older, Joshua’s interest in education has extended to the public school system. Joshua hopes to bring his leadership and mentoring skills to the Ranches Academy to help maintain its amazing track record.

Board Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement